What if They Ask Too Many Questions?

Here’s how to respond to prospects who want you to explain everything!

I’m just curious, have you ever given someone your business card, complete with your website, phone number, email address, car model, favorite food, and first-born child’s middle name, and they still asked what it was all about? If you haven’t, don’t worry; you will! Continue reading “What if They Ask Too Many Questions?”

8 Daily Habits of a Self-Help Junkie!

Here are some great habits to start and end your day!

There’s an old saying that our habits are the reason why our lives are what they are. If you’re dissatisfied with your life, commitment to great habits can turn it around. Continue reading “8 Daily Habits of a Self-Help Junkie!”

4 Awesome Reasons to Have a Passport!

Everybody says they want to travel, most people say they don’t have a passport!

If you’re like most people, there are several places outside of your country that you’d love to visit. You might have some landmarks on your dream board. As awesome as it is to dream about world travel while we don’t have the means, it’s the little steps that we take now that will determine how far we’ll go.

Continue reading “4 Awesome Reasons to Have a Passport!”

What is Going to be Easier For You?

Would you rather put pressure on a prospect, or help them simplify their decision?

I’m just curious, have you ever noticed that most people love to take the easy way out? As marketers, we often look for the easiest way to be successful. Kids look for the easiest way to do chores without actually working. Parents look for the easiest way to get their kids to do something they wouldn’t do themselves. So why not use a simple line that allows your prospects to choose the easy option? Continue reading “What is Going to be Easier For You?”

If I Help You, Would You Help Me?

If I show you a short question that will get your prospects to do something, pressure-free, would you use it?

There’s an old saying that if you wanna get, you gotta give. One way to build rapport with people is to do something for them. Even when you follow it by asking them to do something for you in return, most people are focused on what you can do for them. Continue reading “If I Help You, Would You Help Me?”

When Should You Give Them Your Website?

A simple way to avoid endless rounds of phone tag.

I’m just curious, have you ever spoken to a prospect over the phone, then they asked for your website so they could “check it out later”? Don’t fall for it! Continue reading “When Should You Give Them Your Website?”

How to Recover From an Abusive Past!

Here’s my story of a 6-year abusive friendship, and how I moved on.

Over the course of six years, I was in an abusive friendship. It was a physical and mental abuse that affected me well after the end of it. I have since forgiven the “friend,” and want to share how I did it. It might help you overcome your past, might not. Continue reading “How to Recover From an Abusive Past!”

10 Inspiring Facts About James Brown!

There’s an old saying that success leaves clues, and we can learn a lot from the Godfather of Soul.

Everybody knows that James Brown is one of the greatest musicians ever. His 50+ year career spanned lots of success and crazy stories. There’s an old saying that success leaves clues, and we can learn a lot from James. Here are ten moments from the life of the Godfather of Soul that can inspire you! Continue reading “10 Inspiring Facts About James Brown!”

Is Your Company a Scam?

Pyramids are in Egypt, not our company!

Everybody knows the feeling of hearing that question. Or maybe you’ve heard one of these: “Is this one of those pyramids? Is this a legit company?” I have a couple of true stories that can help you in that situation. One story will show you why you shouldn’t chase prospects. The other will show you a fun response for when someone asks if your company is a scam. Continue reading “Is Your Company a Scam?”

Why Should I Pay to Join Your Company?

Don’t tell your prospect the enrollment fee without also telling them this!

No matter how you look at it, one must invest money to join a network marketing company. Many of us have been rejected by excited prospects for that reason alone. One reason is because the prospect doesn’t know what they’re getting in return. As far as they know, we’re just asking them to fill our own greedy pockets. Continue reading “Why Should I Pay to Join Your Company?”