Act Like an Adult, Believe Like a Child

Everyone knows that children generally have wild imaginations regarding what they want to do with their lives. Adults, on the other hand, can use more work.

Everyone knows that children generally have wild imaginations regarding what they want to do with their lives. When they grow up, they want to be superheroes. They talk about flying to school in jetpacks. They daydream about having their own Transformers. Ask a group of children how much money they’ll earn when they grow up, and you’ll mainly get answers ranging from millions, to billions, to numbers that haven’t been invented yet. Continue reading “Act Like an Adult, Believe Like a Child”

What is a Pyramid Scheme?

A naysayer’s definition vs. my definition.

How Some People Define a Pyramid Scheme

– Getting paid based on commissions, so your income depends on your results.

– The more you sell, the more money you earn, and the less you sell, the less you get paid. Continue reading “What is a Pyramid Scheme?”

What Would You Have to Change About You?

For things to change, you must change. Once you change, everything changes.

If you‘re like most people, you have a long list of things that you‘d like to change about society. Those of us who study Law of Attraction especially love to write, draw, visualize, and wish for the things that they want from the world. Mainly things like materials, success, and love. I’m just curious, what are you willing to change about yourself in order to be attractive to those people and things? Continue reading “What Would You Have to Change About You?”

A Message to Network Marketers Who Want to Quit

Something to ponder.

You’ve been working in your company for months, and have yet to earn a decent paycheck. You’ve spoken to everyone, and they all rejected you. Now you’re ready to quit. I understand, and that’s okay. It’s difficult owning a home business, and not everyone has the patience to stick with it.

Before you go, I something funny to tell you, and it’s based on true stories. Might help you earn more money, might not. Continue reading “A Message to Network Marketers Who Want to Quit”

What is Black Wall Street?

One of the most important landmarks of black history.

Imagine a neighborhood where everything from the buildings to the transportation was owned by African Americans. Picture a neighborhood where the majority of residents had plenty of money in their pockets and many had their own businesses. A neighborhood with a successful bus line and airline. Even it’s own hospital, schools, bank, and nearly every type of business you can think of, all crammed into this black-owned neighborhood. Are you seeing this in your mind yet? Continue reading “What is Black Wall Street?”

Can a Job be Worthless?

You can either just do your job, or you can make this world a better one.

If you’re like most people, you have moments where you find your job to be boring. Maybe you look at other people and think they have the easiest job ever. What if I told you that the smallest jobs have a big impact on helping the world? Continue reading “Can a Job be Worthless?”

5 Ways to be More Accountable for Your Goals!

Because even our goals need help.

Whether we’re going for New Year’s Resolutions or more traditional goals, it helps to hold ourselves accountable. Accountability is what puts us back on track when we find ourselves slacking or tempted to give up. There are numerous ways that we and our loved ones can keep us following one course until successful. Continue reading “5 Ways to be More Accountable for Your Goals!”

Should You Clean Up Your Old Neighborhood?

Two grand perspectives on the subject.

Everybody knows that celebrities who make it out of the hood are often called sellouts. They are labeled as such because they are perceived as forgetting where they came from, and looking down on the less fortunate. The following is another perspective. Continue reading “Should You Clean Up Your Old Neighborhood?”

10 Black Inventions That We Use Every Day

You are probably eating and wearing a few right now!

If you’re like most people, the first and possibly only black inventor that came to mind when you read the title was George Washington Carver, with his 300 uses of the peanut. In actuality, there have been a vast number of African Americans throughout history who created things that most of us wouldn’t want to live without today. Some of those creations save countless lives to this day. The following are just a handful of those inventions. Continue reading “10 Black Inventions That We Use Every Day”

5 Ways That African Slaves Escaped

How far will you go to save your baby?

Everybody knows about slaves who lived their entire lives in bondage. What we don’t hear enough about are the slaves who escaped. When humans get backed into a corner, we often improvise creative solutions. Even with their limited education, literacy, speaking ability, etc., slaves were no exception to the rule. The following are 5 accounts of 6 slaves who miraculously found their way to freedom. Continue reading “5 Ways That African Slaves Escaped”