How to Find the Best Long Distance Prospects!

Time to stop posting ads in random cities!

Everybody knows that the internet allows entrepreneurs to easily expand their business to cities and states far outside of their hometown. With that brings endless options of places to post our ads. I’m just curious, if you wanted to go fishing, would you just row to some random lake at a random time? Or would you prefer to do some research and go to best spot? Marketing beyond your local audience works the same way.

Most people simply choose a random city or state, then post a Craigslist ad, PPC ad, etc. in that area. That’s fine, however, a smarter option would be to post those ads in the places with the most prospects. No, I’m not saying that every ad has to be in a Texas or California. I’m saying that there’s a way to quickly look up the top cities and states that need your products and services.

All you have to do is Google it. If you’re in the weight loss industry, Google the cities with the highest rate of obesity. If you’re in the financial industry, search the top cities with the most debt. If you’re in the dental industry, search the top cities with the worst teeth. Then click “Search Tools” or “Tools,” and “Any Time.” Now click “Past Year.” Now, Google will show you the most recent stats.

From my experience, you’ll get more phone calls this way. I once got a phone call from a woman in the city with the worst teeth in America at the time (Biloxi, MS), and she even told me that a lot of people in her neighborhood have bad teeth!

Make a nice day!

Author: realdealjh

Great morning, great afternoon, and great evening! My name is Jibriel Holloway, and this is where I share the things I learn on my journey of personal development, activism, and in business. Hopefully, you get something out of it that will skyrocket your life!

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